Why Annenberg and USC was the Right Choice for PR Major Carissa

Why Annenberg and USC was the Right Choice for PR Major Carissa

As a transfer student, it was incredibly nerve wracking yet important to me that I chose the right place to pursue my undergraduate education. I honestly had no idea whether I wanted to go the communication or public relations route but I knew from the second I walked into Annenberg it was the place for me. I have never been in a space that seemed so inclusive, comfortable and active. Now, as a senior, I can confidently say that my experience at Annenberg has been so special. I feel like I have experienced everything, plus more than what the admissions ambassadors promised when I was trying to decide where I would go for college. 

I had no clue what public relations was when I was going through the transfer process, I just knew I enjoyed talking to people, planning events and writing. From my first meeting with my advisor he reassured me that a public relations degree was best suited for my interests and was able to help me figure out my classes and other electives that he thought I might enjoy. (Shoutout JaBari!) As a prospective student you often hear about all the amazing things each school has to offer; however, what was different about Annenberg, was that they were able to prove it in various ways. Whether it was explaining all the different student broadcasts that take place in the Media Center, or showing a list of companies that students have had to pitch to in their curriculum, there were so many examples of how students thrive in their own unique ways. 

In my very first public relations (PR) class, the final project was to pitch multiple PR strategies to an established company in a team setting. Considering I hadn’t done anything like that before, and it was only my first PR class I was so excited to be able to learn so much just from ONE class. Since then almost all of my final projects have been advocating for a company whether its campaign planning, online newsrooms, media kits  and so much more. The classes that Annenberg offers are so unique as well! I don’t know any other university that offers a whole class on influencer relations or even a conjoint journalism and spanish class learning specifically about food through the lens of Latinx women. 

Annenberg pushes and challenges me out of my comfort zone in the projects I do, professionals I speak with and client’s I would work for. A huge part of this is the faculty that demonstrate their knowledge but also care for their craft. The majority of the professors in the public relations major are adjunct faculty, so they work their full time day and then teach from experience. I’ve never felt more supported by professors than I have at my time at Annenberg. They are so willing to help you outside of the designated class period whether it's preparing to interview for an internship, helping on an assignment or honestly just life advice. The professors love what they do and it shows in the way that they teach. If it weren’t for the professors, I wouldn’t know how to get myself out of my comfort zone because they know how to ask all the hard hitting questions that make the most out of every strategy pitched. They also take the time to get to know your interests so they can make examples that relate to the field you want to pursue. I truly believe there is no other school that has professors that show they care about their students the way Annenberg does. 

With great professors comes great students! Since the public relations major is the smallest of the three at Annenberg, I have had a familiar face in every PR class I have taken, which is so comforting. USC is a big school so having familiar faces in your classes is super helpful in finding comfort on the first day. I have met genuine people who have the same interests as me that are so supportive and motivating. Seeing classmates get amazing internships and great opportunities made me more encouraged to pursue or try new things myself. There hasn’t been a class where I didn’t make a friend! 

Choosing to come to Annenberg has been the best decision I have made and I am so grateful for my time here. 

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